CASTING CALL to COME TOGETHER for Courageous & Caring Creators
In 2023, folks around the world spent an average of 2.4 hours a day on social media. That's almost 17 hours a week, 72 hours a month, or 882 hours a year. That's 55 whole waking days -and that's just on social media! Throw in some TV, movies, and news and it starts to feel a bit absurd to consider how much of our lives have become devoted to media-consumption.
Still, even as it's easy to point a finger at all the pitfalls of the media-age (timidly, of course, cuz most of us are totally in on it), there's a spidy-kind of feeling within those of us who care that there's really some potential good to be cultivated here.
The question is: how?
Most of us who are actively producing content do so from relatively isolated bubbles that are full (or not so full) of numbers that quantify us like we're packages on the shelf, where the assumption is clear: the higher the number, the higher the value. Our number of followers is placed next to our name and our face as if our popularity were a legitimate signal of not only who we are, but how worthy we are.
Yet the algorithms of social media are not so fair: it costs to have high numbers. Even the most famous are using sponsored ads to get their message across. And for those who go viral naturally, it often takes a polarizing message to get any real traction (I took a class from a reputable social media strategist who was explicit: the more polarizing your content, the more engagement you will receive).
So what about the folks who wanna produce content that brings us together -not further apart? What about the caring social media content creator who's got an important story and message, but doesn't have a budget for paid ads?
And then there's the psychological element of it all: if you don't know how to work the system, or you don't have the means, or the time, to play the game, you can make great content and still be met with the crickets. And while it's easy to say that the numbers don't matter, it's also a lie: if we were really making our art just for ourselves, we would keep it in our closets. Those who share on social media do it because we have something to say, and, no matter how you spin it, it hurts to go unheard.
But if there's anything I've learned in life, it's that we are stronger when we come together - and. our. love. matters.
The Peace Play is a seasonal online show and platform that's curated to highlight creators who melt hearts, build bridges, and inspire innovative solutions to the challenges we face today though a commitment to tell stories and sing songs that pave pathways to Peace.
For caring and courageous creators, this is a place where you don't have to do it alone anymore.
Join the Living Mirror Online Community to learn more about how you can be part of our movement to make media that matters, together.